Monday, November 19, 2012

Advertisements that are rated as most strikingly interesting!

These 30 advertisements are rated as most hilariously interesting, till now. Amazing visuals and striking ideas just worked out in all of them.

1. Bose Noise reduction Headphones: Waterfall

2. Belgian Association for Obese Patients: Encourage Your Children to do More Sport

3. Glassex Window Cleaner: Magician

4. Lazer Cycle Helmets: Hospital

5. Senior Self Defence Academy: Deadly Seniors, Biker

6. Pepsi Twist

7. Timotei: Lion

8. German Olympic Sport Federation: David

9. Nikol Baking Tray: Jacuzzi

10. Softlan Ultra: Wrestling

11. Alka Seltzer: Hangover

12. Kodak Rechargeable Batteries: Tiger

13. Utopolis Group of Cinemas: Titanic

14. Pedigree Light: Flower

15. Kiss FM: iPod Father

16. Listerine Mouthwash: Sermon

17. Pringles Hot and Spicy: Balloon

18. Guinness: Einstein

19. DynaKids Vitamins: Making Kids Stronger

20. Loteria de la Provincia de Buenos Aires: Money

21. Chupa Chups Sugar Free: Ants

22. 3M Scotch Magic Tape: Overload

23. Fibermesh Concrete Reinforcement: Karate

24. Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts: Choking

25. WMF: Sharper Than You Think

26. Maglite: Gallery

27. Nissan: Chickens

28. Nutri Balance: Husband

29. Bare Wet Suits: Stay Down Longer

30. Tolnaftate Cream: Fish

Advertisements that are rated as most strikingly interesting!

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